Editaway Client User Guide

All documents you send us and communications with us are strictly confidential.

Here goes…

Step 1. If you are a new, prospective client, please start by reading “Hey. Welcome to Editaway.” It’s helpful, but not the end of the world if you don’t read it. If you’re already a client, you can skip this step entirely.

Existing clients can start here with Step 2…

Step 2. Click on “Send Us a Document.” Fill out our form and attach the document you might want us to edit for you.

Step 3. We’ll email you a proposal including the cost of services we recommend and timing.

Step 4. You’ll accept our proposal, or not, via email back to us.

Step 5. If you approve our proposal, we’ll do the work and email you detailed, typed “edits” (comments and suggestions) that we believe will substantially improve the quality and effectiveness of your material.

Step 6. You’ll use the link PayPal invoice we send you to pay us via credit card or other means.  (This is our Accountant’s favorite step.)

Step 7. You then have 7 calendar days to talk to us – via telephone, Zoom or email – about any questions you may have.  In-person meetings are also possible depending upon your location relative to our base of operations in Columbia, Maryland.

Step 8. You’re so pleased with the work we’ve done, you send us additional business. Again and again.

That was easy.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.  In the meantime, Contact Us anytime to discuss whatever you’d like to talk about.

If you need us to write something for us from scratch, please go to our sister website, Writeaway.us.


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Editing (Formerly Known As “Avril Edits”)

We get email all the time from clients who ask us, “How much will you charge to edit, just edit these three pages?” It’s a simple enough request, until you consider what we do when we “edit” something.

Microsoft Word helps us find misspellings and points out what it considers to be grammatical errors, so that’s not a problem. In fact, our prospective clients have usually already done that, used Word or other software to fix obvious typos and correct basic grammatical errors.  We are not, however, human versions of readily available software.  Nor is that software all you need to write and perfect a superior document.  Far from it.

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Hey. Welcome to Editaway.

Would you like to improve the quality and effectiveness of your written materials?  Well then, welcome to Editaway. You’ve come to the right place and this is the article you need to read.

In a hurry? Too busy to read all this? That’s okay. We get it. All you have to do is fill out our online formHey. Let's talk about improving the documents you write.  to submit your document. We’ll look it over and email you a proposal describing the editing services we’ll provide, their cost and timing. If you accept this proposal, we’ll do the work. You’ll pay us when we’re done.  It’s that simple. Just click the “Send Us A Document” menu button under the header image to get this show on the road. You can come back to read this post later when you have time…  or not.

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So, how much is it worth to you?

How much are you willing to spend to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of your written materials?

Every word counts.

Are you struggling to accomplish your financial and/or other objectives? Maybe we can help.

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“Second Set of Eyes” for Political Campaigns

Let's talk about how our writing and editing services can help you get elected.
Welcome to our “Second Set of Eyes” program.
Editing services for candidates.

As someone who is running for office – and especially if you’re a first-time candidate – you live in a world where every word counts. You need just the right bullet points, stated in a clear and compelling way, to get the attention of voters, contributors and the media.

A well-structured turn of a phrase in a speech can make the difference between getting your point across or not, between enthusiastic applause and your audience tuning you out and checking their cell phones, between attracting the contributions you need and not even covering the costs of your fundraiser. A cleanly written palm card or mailer can help you stand out in a crowded field of opponents when being ordinary won’t cut it.

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Subscription Services

Question:  We’d like to hire Editaway to be available whenever we need a document edited. But we don’t want to pay per word, on an hourly basis or per document. Can we just reserve a block of Editaway time every month? Whether we use it or not? To use whenever we need it? Even a little bit here, a little bit there? And at a discount below the rates you normally charge? Like we were hiring Editaway to be a part-time employee, but without all those extra employee-related costs?

Answer:  Sure.  …Go to our Contact Us page. Send us an email or give us a call. Let’s talk about what we can do for you.

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Proofreading vs. Editing

People often ask us if we do proofreading. The answer is “Yes and no.” We do editing. Click here to visit our website article in which we describe the editing services we provide.

Editing someone’s document certainly involves checking grammar and spelling, so part of what we do is proof the documents our clients send us, but there’s much more to it. The fact is, there’s free and affordable software out there that you can use to look for grammatical issues and typos, so you don’t need us for that.

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