Welcome to our “Second Set of Eyes” program.
Editing services for candidates.
As someone who is running for office – and especially if you’re a first-time candidate – you live in a world where every word counts. You need just the right bullet points, stated in a clear and compelling way, to get the attention of voters, contributors and the media.
A well-structured turn of a phrase in a speech can make the difference between getting your point across or not, between enthusiastic applause and your audience tuning you out and checking their cell phones, between attracting the contributions you need and not even covering the costs of your fundraiser. A cleanly written palm card or mailer can help you stand out in a crowded field of opponents when being ordinary won’t cut it.
This is where we come in.
Send us material that you’ve been using or a draft document. We’ll take a look and give you detailed, helpful comments that will make it even better.
We are not a proofreading service. We do “messaging.” We’re the people you hire to make sure your materials communicate the points you’re trying to make in an interesting and convincing way.
Yes, we’ll mention typos and grammatical errors if we find any, but that’s not who we are. We’re Editaway. What we do is use words to help our clients do a better job of selling themselves and their ideas.
Just sending out a mailing, making a speech, publishing your positions on a campaign website or writing an op/ed piece isn’t enough. Your materials have to be well-written or you’re wasting time, money and, quite possibly, making the wrong impression.
How does our “Second Set of Eyes” program work?
It’s simple. Send us the copy you’d like us to review. We’ll read it and give you detailed notes, comments and suggestions that will significantly improve the effectiveness of your piece. …And if you need us to write something for you from scratch, we’ll refer you to our sister-program at Writeaway.us.
We price our services to take into account, not just the scope and duration of the engagement, but also what you can afford. How do we charge for all this? We charge either by the document or on a subscription basis for a modest monthly fee that’s affordable to even smaller, first-time, less well-funded campaigns. In fact, subscriptions for editing services begin as low as just $100/month – depending upon our estimate of the hours your work will require. And, because it’s our nature, we always give our subscription clients more hours than they’re buying.
Why don’t we charge every one of our clients the same rates? Two reasons. For one thing, every engagement involves a unique mix of skill, creativity and interaction with our clients. In other words, the various jobs we do aren’t the same. Far from it. And because, honestly, we want the flexibility to charge different clients differently depending upon what they can afford and precisely what we’ve been hired to do.
Here’s a list of some of the types of material we edit for our political clients…
– Palm cards, fliers and pamphlets.
– Position papers.
– Special materials for prospective contributors.
– Website content.
– Speeches.
– Press releases.
– Print ad and television commercial copy.
– Door hangers and other canvassing materials.
– Op/eds and letters to the editor.
Depending upon the scope of the project, every piece on which we work is reviewed by at least two Editaway editors before we release our comments and suggestions.
It’s not just about you hiring us and then we’ll get back to you. No. You and Editaway? We’re a team. We work with you and your staff to develop superior products. At their best, successful writing and editing are collaborative activities.
We work for candidates from any party which is to say that we’re not exclusively either a Democrat, Republican or other party shop. We will, however, refuse work, the content or objective of which is problematic. We’ll work like crazy to help you, but always with integrity and kindness. If you think you have to be mean or untruthful to win, you don’t and, in any case, we’re not going to help you.
Needless to say, we never work for more than one candidate running for the same position. And everything you send us, everything about our relationship, even including the fact that we have one, is strictly confidential.
So, you think it’s too early, too far out from Election Day to get started? Messaging takes time. The more time you have, the greater your chances of winning. If you’re seriously thinking about running, the sooner we get started, the better.
Thank you for reading about our “Second Set of Eyes” program.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you and to helping you make sure your next campaign is successful. …And, by the way, although we really like working with political campaigns, we also provide Second Set of Eyes services and pricing to other non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses.
Surprisingly responsive and affordable editing services, based in Columbia, Maryland. Serving political, non-profit and business clients throughout the United States.
Use this link to Contact Us.
Feel free to visit our sister-program website, Writeaway.us, if you need help writing something from scratch.